Patience in the Waiting

Imagine what your life would be like if all your wishes and prayers were granted immediately. How would you be as a person if you received every gift you desired, every relationship you longed for, and a positive response to every opportunity you sought?

There is a reason why God frequently responds with a negative when we request something from Him. Not receiving what we desire cultivates patience and humility within us. As we develop in these virtues, we become more similar to Christ.

Waiting for something we desire can be frustrating, but God utilizes this time to refine our desires. Interestingly, after some reflection, we may find ourselves asking for something quite different.

During the chilly winter months, it may appear as if nature has come to a standstill. However, as trees shed their leaves and patiently endure the cold, their roots delve deeper into the earth, replenishing their sustenance systems. Similarly, for those who have faith in God, periods of waiting are not squandered time. If we choose to wait in His presence, this time becomes meaningful. Even when it seems as if nothing is transpiring on the surface, we can trust that God is actively working for our good.

Although taking a weekly Sabbath rest may not appear to be “productive” in light of the numerous important tasks God has assigned us, we can have faith that He is also at work during those times of stillness. The Lord favours those who patiently wait for Him.

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