Rededicating my Life to Christ

Describe one of your favorite moments.

Giving my life to Christ and accepting Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour was my favourite greatest moment of my life. It is a personal decision for me to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and commit to living a life that is pleasing to God.

In 2015, I experienced a significant event that completely changed my life. Losing my job came as a complete surprise, and it was a tough situation to navigate. Prior to this, I had been working as an apprentice for a successful blogger who ran an entertainment blog. With the knowledge and experience I gained from this opportunity, I decided to venture into creating my own entertainment blog. It was a thrilling journey as my blog started gaining popularity and becoming a trend.

While running the blog, I also managed to secure a job as an administrative officer and personal assistant to the chairman of a major telecommunications company in Nigeria. Unfortunately, the experience was far from ideal. My boss was harsh, disrespectful, and abusive during my probation period. Despite enduring this treatment for 9 months, I received an email in December 2015 stating that my contract had been terminated. I felt lost. Even though I had my blog, it wasn’t generating enough income.

After three months of searching for a new job and reflecting on the impact of my blog, I began to question its influence on people’s lives. I wondered if it was truly helping or potentially causing harm with its gossip and explicit content. This internal struggle didn’t take long to reach a breaking point. Within two days, I made the decision to transform my life completely. I turned to my faith and rededicated myself to Christ, leading me to shut down my entertainment blog and start fresh with a new focus on motivation and inspiration. My goal was to guide and uplift those who had lost their way and needed encouragement to keep going.

The catalyst for this transformation came from reading “The Battlefield of the Mind” by Joyce Meyer. This book inspired me to reevaluate my priorities and take action towards a more meaningful and positive direction in my life.

After two years of unemployment, I am grateful to God for showing me mercy. Despite not earning income from my new blog, which I created with the intention of motivating and assisting individuals in regaining their footing through hope, faith, and trust, I remained steadfast. After a prolonged period of waiting, God  blessed me with a remarkable job opportunity in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. I was appointed as a legislative aide in the National Assembly, a position that far exceeds my expectations.

You know, decisions often lead to a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in life, as well as a desire to grow in one’s faith and relationship with God. It may also involve becoming part of a Christian community, such as a church or gathering of same minded friends and family where you can find support and encouragement from other believers.

In summary, giving your life to Christ is a personal and meaningful experience that involves committing to follow Jesus and live a life that is pleasing to God. It can bring a sense of purpose, meaning, and community, as well as a deeper understanding of God’s love and forgiveness.

This is my favourite greatest moment in my life.

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