Patience in the Waiting

Imagine what your life would be like if all your wishes and prayers were granted immediately. How would you be as a person if you received every gift you desired, every relationship you longed for, and a positive response to every opportunity you sought? There is a reason why God frequently responds with a negative… Read More Patience in the Waiting

Video: Why is Christianity the Only Religion in the World That Face Persecution?

Sometimes, I lose in my thoughts when I read or watch what Christians face in the world. Are we the only religion persecuted. Because when we speak or defend our faith. It turns out to be fault or misleading. This video got me in tears. However, Christ will always be victorious, so as His children.… Read More Video: Why is Christianity the Only Religion in the World That Face Persecution?

You Never Know What God Has In Store For You, But It’s Always Better Than You Think

You never know why God picked a certain path for you even if it didn’t make sense to you or even if you thought that it was unfair or too painful. You never know why God made you fight certain battles alone or why he made you lose those battles. You never know why he… Read More You Never Know What God Has In Store For You, But It’s Always Better Than You Think